Peptonic has completed the acquisition of a majority of the shares in Lune Group Oy Wed, Jun 03, 2020 13:57 CET. Stockholm, June 3 rd, 2020 - On 14 May 2020, Peptonic Medical AB (publ) (“Peptonic” or the “Company”) announced that the Company had entered into an agreement to acquire a majority of the shares in Lune Group Oy (“Lune”).


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För ytterligare information, kontakta; Marianne Östlund, mobil: 070-510 10 34 Peptonic Medical. Peptonic Medical AB (publ) är ett biomedicinskt företag som bedriver forskning kring och utveckling av läkemedel och medicintekniska produkter inom området kvinnohälsa. Vår vision är att erbjuda säkra och effektiva behandlingar för kvinnor som lider av vaginal atrofi (VA) i samband med eller efter klimakteriet. PEPTONIC MEDICAL AB : News, information and stories for PEPTONIC MEDICAL AB | Nasdaq Stockholm: Gold and Silver. Strategic Metals.

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Avtalet ger Yuanjia Bio exklusiva rättigheter att registrera, marknadsföra och sälja Vagivital i Kina. PEPTONIC Medical is an innovative Swedish pharmaceutical company developing and commercializing safe and effective products for the treatment of menopausal symptoms, such as vaginal atrophy.

Köp aktier i Peptonic Medical - enkelt och billigt hos Avanza Bank. Klicka här för att se aktiekursen och köpa till marknadens lägsta courtage.

Denna information är sådan som Peptonic Medical AB (publ) är skyldigt att offentliggöra enligt EU:s marknadsmissbruksförordning. Informationen lämnades för offentliggörande, genom ovanstående kontaktpersoners försorg, den 25 september 2020, klockan 21.00. För ytterligare information, kontakta; Marianne Östlund, mobil: 070-510 10 34 Peptonic Medical. Peptonic Medical AB (publ) är ett biomedicinskt företag som bedriver forskning kring och utveckling av läkemedel och medicintekniska produkter inom området kvinnohälsa.

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PEPTONIC Medical AB: Erik Sundquist utsedd till ny VD i Peptonic Medical AB. 2021-03-31 09:02 · Cision.
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Tattooed Chef dipistä Does the November share price for Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd. (TSE:KL) reflect what it's really worth? Today, we will. For instance, Orezone, a gold prospecting company with a market value in the example is Peptonic Medical, which recently lost 70% of its market value in one  4 dni temu Aktualne notowania akcji spółki Peptonic Medical AB (PMED) wraz z wykresem kursu, wiadomościami i analizami. Copies 5 - 29 22 Bismuth Peptonic.

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The 100% owned Plutonic Gold mine is located in the Archaean Plutonic Marymia Greenstone Belt 800 kilometres northeast of Perth and is one of the largest gold mines in Western Australia in terms of cumulative production. Open pit mining began in 1990 until 2005 and underground production has been ongoing since 1995.

VagiVital® is a registered trademark of PEPTONIC Medical. The product is being commercialised for the non-prescription use for the treatment of vaginal atrophy. The Company was founded in 2009 and its first candidate drug product is Vagitocin® – an estrogen-free oxytocin based product for the treatment of vaginal atrophy in clinical development phase 2. PEPTONIC Medical is commercializing VagiVital™ – a hormone free treatment for vaginal atrophy (VA). The product is a vaginal gel for topical administration. Our vision is to offer safe and effective treatments for women suffering from vaginal atrophy during menopause and after. Inlägg som innehåller "peptonic".

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Introducing SNP PREP Peptaronic Toner from a skin care line with gold combination of Peptides that enhances skin vitality and Hyaluronic Acid that deeply moisturizes. With 6 kinds of peptides [more] [more] and a moisture barrier to keep skin hydrated, your skin will stay protected from irritation, stress, and other external stimuli.